Corporate Cache and Tax Free Foreign Ownership

The Dubai Airport Freezone was created by the Dubai Government to attract foreign investors with generous tax and foreign ownership benefits. This type of tax-free foreign owned business allowance is a relatively new, but incredibly attractive business model that benefits both foreign investors and the Dubai economy, and it was sorely needed by the UAE. In 1984, laws were put into place that required 51% ownership of any business operating inside any of the United Arab Emirates boundaries. Obviously, this immediately cut off the flow of foreign capital to Dubai and the other emirates.

So in 1996, in a very intelligent move economically, the Free Trade Agreement passed, and it allows for up to 100% foreign ownership of businesses operating in certain Trade Free Zones. There are also business entities that can qualify for up to 100% tax-free status. The Dubai Airport Freezone has become one such area that worldwide is considered the elite of the free trade zones. Having a business incorporated in the Dubai Airport Freezone lends an immediate cache and respectability it would take you years to develop elsewhere. There are of course the tax benefits mentioned above as well. Any business owner considering taking their company to the next level, and accessing the geographic trade routes and booming UAE economy should seriously consider inclusion into the Dubai Airport Freezone business directory as a must.

This economically influential area is one of the fastest growing UAE free trade zones, and is home to more than 1,300 companies that run the gamut from aviation to pharmaceuticals, and from jewelry to mobile phones. The restrictions are not industry specific, and instead tend toward paper qualification. If you file the correct paperwork in the correct manner, and pay the requisite fees, you too can own a successful business in the Dubai Airport Freezone and benefit from the cache and trade access that this elite business classification offers.

And being located inside the limits of the strategically located Dubai International Airport guarantees access to the newest, state of the art facilities, offices, warehousing and infrastructure. Dubai has risen rapidly as a financial power the last two decades, and is now openly regarded as a key player in the world’s economy. It is easily the most important commercial and business hub of the Middle East and the Gulf Region, and business ownership there immediately puts you on a level playing field with the big boys.

But the cultural and business requirements can be very complicated. A cultural or filing misstep can mean prolonged incorporation, and even non-acceptance altogether. However, with a seasoned UAE Free Zone corporate specialist that employs UAE locals to handle all filing and business needs, you guarantee your speedy inclusion in this upper level of business hierarchy. So call your UAE Free Zone company formation specialist today, and ask about the Dubai Airport Freezone benefits for your company.

For more information go to our Dubai Airport Free Zone page or visit our Ras al Khaima Free Zone page.