Russell Lebe Interviewed on UAE Company Formation

For foreign investors considering Company Formation in Dubai, a number of free zones exist, and, as such, have a distinct legal status within the UAE. Find out how we can help by watching our video.

Companies considering setting up a company in Dubai and operating within its numerous Free Zones can benefit from the advantageous business environment. This includes exemptions from many of the restrictions imposed by UAE Companies Law and other UAE laws and regulations.

Entities operating within Dubai Free Zones may be 100% foreign owned. Click here for more information

UAE, Free Zone, and Dubai Company Formation

Whether you are looking to start a business in Dubai, or want to expand your existing one into the region, there is a range of company types and business areas to choose. The type of business you want to set up, or are already operating, will dictate which type of company and in which Free Zone it would be best suited. Dubai company forms include a RAK IC (Offshore Entity) and local LLC (LTD Liability Company), and there are 19 Free Zones in Dubai alone to choose from.

For example, DAFZA is intended for businesses that import and export goods, and the business activities of TECOM include “design, development, use and maintenance of everything relevant to Information Technology, E-commerce and Media”.

Each Free Zone is governed by an independent Free Zone Authority (FZA) which is responsible for issuing the necessary operating licences to businesses in the relevant Free Zone.

The most popular and convenient Free Zone is the Ras Al Khaimah Free Zone. Considering the UAE as a whole, there are over forty Free Zones, all offering different opportunities and advantages to both domestic and foreign investors.

Open A Dubai Company is a Dubai company formation expert, with specialist advice in the Gulf region, and the Emirates in particular. We will provide expert advice based on your business and its requirements, to help you make the most of the benefits Dubai offers. We will comprehensively support your formation process from start to finish, opening a local bank account and obtaining a local office.

Company Name Check Service

In the United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai is a part of, company names have to be approved first to see if they are acceptable as well as available for use. They will only be rejected if they are the same or similar phonetically or in spelling of an existing company or if the name implies state ownership or sponsorship. Certain words such as Insurance bank or group will require special permissions Click here to fill in our form and get your name checked now…

Please contact us below for further information about our Dubai company formation services, or to discuss the best option available for you to open a Dubai company. A member of our team will happy to help you.

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Registration for Money Laundering Regulation (MLR)

In 2007 the Anti Money Laundering Regulations were brought into effect by the Government, making it a Legal requirement that ALL Company Formation Agents have an “MLR”. This will come into effect from 15th December.

Universal Comapny Incorporations LTD has successfully applied for and received its MLR Registration Number 12710242 . This means that we have passed the Fit and Proper test and HM Customs and Excise have confirmed that we have successfully registered for MLR.

Be aware that company Formation Agents that operate without an MLR number are breaking the Law. Our recommendation is that you ask for full details of the MLR number before processing the formation of a company through any company formation agent.